About Us

What we do here is we weave sleeping mats, on a loom, out of plastic grocery bags and we pass them out to homeless people in an effort to make their lives a little more comfortable.

Over the years, we have grown greatly.  We got our 501c3 non profit status in 2019 and now we also pass out new tents, new socks, coats, shoes, toiletries, (all donated by churches, organizations, and very loving, caring, Christian people in my community, as well as make the mats.

We are a small organization, but we are always looking for bag cutters, and weavers in my area.  Weaving mats requires, time, patience, and a heart for the homeless.  I provide the loom, and the training to select individuals in my immediate area (Williams County, Ohio)

Right now, there is me.  I'm the co founder and CEO.  There's my best friend Greg who is also a co founder and pastor.  There is Cathy who is a bag cutter, helper, friend, and treasurer.  Then there is Cindy, she weaves beautiful mats and is a great source of encouragement, inspiration and support.  There is Terry, he is my loom crafter.  He was a professional wood worker and he makes all my looms at his own expense. Lastly, but certainly not least, there is Angie, Chasity and Linda, all of whom do various things for the ministry as they have time.

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